Monday, January 23, 2012

we are all flawed

I think at my young age I am still surprised, to a certain extent, at people's flaws and get disappointed too often.  But I've noticed more and more as I went through college, and now the challenge to make something of myself in the world, I have become less surprised and less disappointed in people.

Expectation is the problem.  Expecting somebody to be something is wrong.  Expectations tend to lead to realizing something, or somebody is flawed in some fashion.  If anything, it is best to expect that we are all flawed in some way.  Expectations also tend to impose ones view on another, and that too is not right.  But the paradox in all this is that expectations and disappointment is a flaw in of itself.

As I've aged, I have come to realize something about meeting and dealing with people, and that is learn to accept somebody for who they are.  I, or one person for that matter, cannot change somebody else or impose my-- their--beliefs on somebody else.  Realizing this has taken a long time, but it's a humbling experience because one has to realize their humanity.

I am mortal.

I make mistakes.

My views aren't shared by everybody.

I still have a ways to go in some areas.  I still argue relentlessly with my father about politics and history, knowing prior to even getting in the argument that his views are set based on how he perceives the world.  Us arguing will not change our perceptions of the world.

Lastly there is one other thing I'd like to mention that I've learned to do more and more.  It's a hard thing to tackle for anybody, and that is being able to admit to being wrong.  Not going to lie, it's hard, because other people have a tendency to rub it in.  The funny thing is that these people also have a hard time admitting to being wrong.

Hopefully you can take something away from this, if anything, acknowledging that we are all flawed in some way, and think twice before casting the stone.

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